Prior to taking a dip full time into studies, Ramya was a Senior Delivery Manager for Projects in the Information Technology sector, based in India. She handled large scale projects, process governance and support teams across geographical locations.
With 10 plus years in the IT industry I decided that my professional career is lacking some challenges as well as some deeper understanding of business growth. What better way to challenge my personal and professional growth than to pack my bags, uproot my life and travel to a new country where I did not know anyone or anything. It certainly did pay off though. Upon deciding I wanted to pursue a Business degree the options were wide open. As I was struggling through the choices both within India and overseas, I had the opportunity to meet UC Business School Director Tony Mortenson during one of his recruitment visits. After hearing what UC has to offer it was an easy choice. Also, to top it the intensive interview process reassured that I would be surrounded by highly driven, ambitious, like minded people.
I met some very interesting people and build some amazing connections I still cherish. Some definite highlights were the discussions we had in those computer labs, corridors and kitchen. When you are a full time student the learning never stops, literally. I have spent over 20 hour days in campus some time.