What was your work background before joining the UC MBA?

I've worked in the electrical sector (everything from electronics to high voltage) for most of my life. I started in quality assurance, moving to type testing in a laboratory and then to designing electrical appliances. From there it was a natural progression to project managing new product development. This was followed by a long stint managing high voltage infrastructure builds on the Transpower and Orion networks. My last gig was a big step sideways to Ministry of Awesome (a startup incubator in Otautahi, Christchurch) where I was the Operations Manager and ran the day-to-day operations.

Why did you decide to do an MBA?, and why UC?

I thought an MBA degree would help my career progression towards the apex of any organisation. People I knew who had completed an MBA degree, suggested that an in-person programme would be more valuable due to the live interactions with fellow students. UC (where I read my undergrad), was the obvious choice as I live in Christchurch.

Do you have any memorable moments from the MBA programme?

Definitely the laughs during assignments. Many were with Ian Satterthwaite. You know you’re part of the family when their dog no longer barks when you walk in. I also got a real kick out of doing a paper with Steve Thomas – a very old friend from our hedonistic undergrad days.

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