What was your work background before joining the UC MBA?

I’ve had a jungle-gym, rather than a career path - starting my working life in a British pub, retail, construction and then somehow found my way into regional economic development and then central government back here in New Zealand.

Why did you decide to do an MBA?, and why UC?

I had lots of varied experience – but didn’t have the academic qualifications to back myself to take on more challenging roles. UC just made sense as it has such a good reputation and connected me with so many new professional people in the city, and beyond.

Do you have any memorable moments from the MBA programme?

Definitely the personal development papers were some of the hardest but most rewarding. Plus the international business trip to Vietnam was an experience I will never forget. And it is often said, but really it is the people you meet and the shared journey we take together that is the enduring legacy of the MBA.

Ways to get in touch