We need your help!: Alumni Graduate Profiles 2023

April 14, 2023
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Maybe you keep in contact with past students regularly, or maybe you'd like to reconnect with some students from years gone by.

The UC MBA Graduate Association is here to help you keep in touch with past grads, build your business and social networks and keep you informed of the latest events for UC MBA Alumni.

In May, we will be reloading out Alumni Graduate Profiling of past UC MBA students, and we need your help. If there is someone from the MBA Alumni that you would like to nominate (anywhere in the world) for our grad profile section, please email us at: ucmbagrad@gmail.com

Include their name, the year they graduated, where they work and contact details (if known). One of our team will ask them a few questions about their MBA journey at UC and find out what exciting things they are doing today with their UC MBA to make a difference.